Looking for Event Management Team!

We are looking for Event Management Team for the 2019 Chinese New Year Celebration Event! If you can provide services including performance management, graphic design, opening ceremony planning, please contact us today at administrator@chinatownbia.com 徵求:活動策劃公司! 如果您可以提供包括表演、視覺設計及開幕典禮的策劃,請於今日與我們聯繫:administrator@chinatownbia.com

Blue Dog Project launched in Chinatown

Blue Dog Project launched in Chinatown April 12, 2018 Toronto Police 52 Division launched the 8th crime prevention project with Chinatown Business Improvement Area today. The Blue Dog Project is a ten-week project focusing on crime prevention including local disorder issues related to theft from autos, shoplifting, panhandling, public intoxication, drugs and any related problems.…