We are inviting you to celebrate this year’s Lunar New Year with us virtually. If you miss the lion dance and other popular LNY activities in Chinatown or if want to learn more about how our community celebrates the Lunar New Year, tune in to our live event!
Premiere Date: Saturday, February 13 at 7:30 pm

Yue Moon is a community-based, multimedia public art program as part of Chinatown’s 2021 Lunar New Year celebration. Led by artists PUFF Paddy and Winnie Truong, supported by the STEPS Public Art, Yue Moon brings people together for a luminous experience — an escape from the darkness and cold of winter through collaborative art-making culminating in a public exhibition animating the streets of Chinatown in February 2021.
Yue Moon: Animated Light 圓滿:舞動
Friday, February 12 through Monday, February 15: 6pm-9pm daily
Thursday, February 18 through Sunday, February 21: 6pm-9pm daily
Wednesday, February 24 through Friday, February 26 (Lantern Festival): 6pm-9pm daily
Location: Huron Square 曉倫街廣場
Yue Moon II 圓滿:貳
Launching Wednesday, February 24 through March 31.
Yummy Yummy Dumplings & Lait Night (79 & 81 Huron St Main Floor, Toronto, ON M5T 2A8)
Rosewood Asian Cuisine (463 Dundas St W, Toronto, ON M5T 1G8)
Uncle Otis Clothing (329 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 2E9)
For more information, please visit STEPS Public Art’s website.
*In accordance with current Toronto Public Health Guidelines, please wear a mask, practise social distancing and remain 2 metres/6 feet apart from people you don’t live with. We ask that no more than 5 individuals view the work at a given time.

How much do you think you know about Chinatown? Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test for a chance to win $500 every week? This year we are launching a new LNY activity: Chinatown Scavenger Hunt! In this activity, you will be working with your teammates to discover treasures, answer questions about our community and at the same time, supporting our Chinatown businesses! More information will follow!
*Due to the current stay-at-home order, this activity will be postponed until further notice.
Bronze Sponsor

Yue Moon Project Partners

Yue Moon Project Funders

Community Partners
City of Toronto
Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship York Band (HMCS)
Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas
Toronto Police Services – 14 Division
Toronto Police Services – 52 Division
Toronto Fire Services
Toronto Paramedic Services