Chinatown Business Improvement Area (Chinatown BIA) is looking for Street Patrol Guard services within our boundaries. Contractor will provide trained guards to defuse and resolve minor issues and contact police for help where necessary. Ability to communicate with our members in English is essential, Cantonese and/or Mandarin fluency is preferable.
Interested parties can email our Administrative Director Beryl at for the Tendering document.
多倫多中區華埠商業促進區 (Chinatown BIA) 正在招募我們範圍內的街頭巡邏警衛服務。 承包商須提供訓練有素的警衛來化解和解決小問題,並在必要時聯繫警方尋求幫助。操流利英語, 並可以用廣東話和/或普通話與我們的會員溝通。